Sunday, December 15, 2019

FAQS on Rhinoplasty

What is rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, or cosmetic nasal surgery, is a plastic surgery procedure that improves
the shape and size of the nose. The procedure can remove a hump, change the shape
of the nasal tip, and straighten the nose. Occasionally, the size and shape of the
nostrils can be changed. The goal of rhinoplasty is often to achieve better harmony
between the nose and the other facial features and, often times; even the slightest
alteration can greatly improve a patient's appearance. If the patient has breathing
difficulty, the surgeon may perform septal and turbinate surgery at the same time.

Who are good candidates for rhinoplasty?

Healthy teenagers and adults who wish to have an improvement in their nasal
appearance are good candidates for the rhinoplasty procedure.

Can rhinoplasty be performed at any age?
The surgeon will perform the rhinoplasty procedure beginning at age fourteen in
female teenagers and fifteen in male teenagers.

What happens during a consultation for rhinoplasty?
The surgeon will personally meet with you during the consultation. He will examine
and evaluate you. He will then show you before and after pictures and then explain
the surgical procedure from beginning to end. This explanation will include what
surgical technique he will use, where the surgery will be performed, what type of
anesthesia, and a step-by-step explanation of what the recovery will be like. You will
then meet with the patient care coordinator, who will explain the scheduling details
and the cost.

Where is the rhinoplasty procedure performed?
The surgeon will perform the rhinoplasty procedure in his clinic.

When performing rhinoplasty, what type of anesthesia is used?
The surgeon can perform the rhinoplasty procedure with local anesthesia

How is the actual rhinoplasty procedure performed?
The rhinoplasty procedure can be performed via one of two approaches. They are the
open (also called external) and the closed (also called endonasal) approach. These are
simply approaches, which mean the way in which the surgeon will have access to the
internal structures of the nose. Once the surgeon has access to the internal structures,
he will work on the bridge of the nose. He will make the bridge straight, if needed,
and then narrow the bridge if needed. He will then proceed to change the shape if the
tip if needed. At the end of the procedure, the surgeon will place a splint to help the
nose heal in the proper shape.

How long does the actual rhinoplasty procedure last?
The surgeon will take about one to two hours to perform the rhinoplasty procedure.
Revision rhinoplasty may take longer.

For rhinoplasty, where are the incisions made?
The surgeon will perform the rhinoplasty procedure using either the open or closed
approach. If the open approach is used, a small incision in the columella is made. This
incision heals very well and will not be noticeable once it is fully healed. The closed
approach is performed with incisions inside the nose. The surgeon will discuss with
you what the best approach is for you.

Should I expect to experience much pain with my rhinoplasty procedure?
Most patients that undergo the rhinoplasty procedure experience a mild pressure
above the nose for about two hours after the procedure. From thereon after, the
patients do not experience any pain.

What is the recovery like after rhinoplasty?
The recovery for rhinoplasty is rather mild. The patient is allowed to return home
after the procedure. The post-operative period is painless, although pain medication is
usually given in case the patient has some discomfort. The surgeon will see the patient
in his office the morning after surgery. Most patients that have the rhinoplasty
procedure with the surgeon do not have “black and blues” over their eyes. They may
have some swelling, which usually resolves in five days. The patient returns to the
office on the fifth post-operative day. At that point the splint is removed and the
patient will get a first glimpse of what the nose will look like. Seventy percent of the
swelling resolves in the first three weeks and the remaining thirty percent takes
months. The final result is at one year.

How soon after rhinoplasty surgery will I am able to return to work?
Patients are generally able to return to work about one week after the rhinoplasty

How soon after rhinoplasty surgery will I am able to exercise?
The surgeon asks that his patients resume exercise three weeks after having the
How soon after rhinoplasty surgery are the stitches removed?
If the rhinoplasty was performed via an open approach, the stitches will be removed
on fifth post-operative day.

What are the risks or complications that can occur with rhinoplasty?
As with all types of surgery, there are potential risks or complications associated with
rhinoplasty surgery and these may include bleeding, infection, and cosmetic

For more information, please contact the information below. Clinic Address: 20 to 8-9, Phloenchit rd. For Men: (+ 66) 928524224 (10330 am-5 PM) for men: (+ 66) 92-852-4224 (9 AM-5 PM) for men: + 66 ) 92-852-4224 Line Id: @ 456 osqns email address: Consult@Interplastclinic.Com Website:

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